Storybook Docs


Parent: main.js|ts configuration

Type: TestBuildConfig

Provides configuration options to optimize Storybook's production build output.


Type: TestBuildFlags

  disableBlocks?: boolean;
  disabledAddons?: string[];
  disableMDXEntries?: boolean;
  disableAutoDocs?: boolean;
  disableDocgen?: boolean;
  disableSourcemaps?: boolean;
  disableTreeShaking?: boolean;

Configures Storybook's production builds for performance testing purposes by disabling certain features from the build. When running build-storybook, this feature is enabled by setting the --test flag.

The options documented on this page are automatically enabled when the --test flag is provided to the build-storybook command. We encourage you to override these options only if you need to disable a specific feature for your project or if you are debugging a build issue.


Type: boolean

Excludes the @storybook/blocks package from the build, which generates automatic documentation with Docs Blocks.

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Type: string[]

Sets the list of addons that will disabled in the build output.

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Type: boolean

Enabling this option removes user-written documentation entries in MDX format from the build.

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Type: boolean

Prevents automatic documentation generated with the autodocs feature from being included in the build.

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Type: boolean

Disables automatic argType and component property inference with any of the supported static analysis tools based on the framework you are using.

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Type: boolean

Overrides the default behavior of generating source maps for the build.

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Type: boolean

Disables tree shaking in the build.

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